Understory | Artists
Debashis Sinha
Photo Credit: Andreas Lammers
A sound artist with a distinctive voice and imagination, Sinha has long been a fixture on Canada’s creative audio scene as a composer, performer and musician, exploring the many different ways traditional and contemporary tools can inform each other. He has made many appearances nationally and internationally at ISEA, MUTEK Montreal, MUTEK Japan, the Banff Centre, Madrid Abierto, Guelph Jazz Festival, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and other venues. His sound art work is heavily influenced by his long career in theatrical sound design as an award winning sound designer and composer, creating audio for productions at Soulpepper, the Stratford Festival, Necessary Angel, and many other companies. Currently, Sinha is exploring the possibilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence as a toolset and conceptual impetus for his story-based sound works.